Thursday, February 10, 2011

Orange Update #1.

Several weeks ag we defined what we mean by Orange:  “Combining influences to ignite faith in the next generation.  I thought you’d enjoy a picture that a student (Cade Killough) drew during the sermon illustrating what Orange means:

In essence, Orange is combining the influence of the family (red) together with the influence of the church (yellow) to build disciples.  That is our goal. 

Several things you can be praying for as our Orange series continues:

1 Thing Challenges.  Throughout the series everyone in the church will be challenged to do 1 Thing that is “Orange.”  Ideas and suggestions will be listed each week of the series on the bulletin.  As people not only understand what we are talking about, but actually experience it in their family, change will begin to happen.  

-Hearts.  I genuinely believe there are those who are already ORANGE, without having to call them that.  Pray for those who are afraid to invest in their child’s spiritual growth.  Some are intimidated because they don’t know how.  I also believe some just don’t want to. 

-Pray for the mess.  Families are messy.  Coming from a split home myself where I didn’t start going to church until I was 17, I can understand that this is no easy undertaking.  Parents are arguing with ex-spouses, kids are feeling the repercussions, and we think that we have a “programmatic answer” to their problems.  We don’t.  Let’s just continue to pray for students and parents as we try to influence them by the power of the church and it’s message – the grace of Jesus.